Nutritious food. Breastfeeding support. Nutrition education.
WIC is a supplemental health and nutrition program that helps pregnant and postpartum mothers and children up to age five get food, health services and nutrition education. These services help diverse families address their health needs during and after pregnancy and in early childhood. WIC services include:
- Food vouchers for supplemental nutritious foods
- Nutrition education
- Breastfeeding support
- Health assessments and screenings
- Referrals to other health and social services
Make an appointment
WIC staff are available to offer services and consultations remotely. Please give us a call at:
- International District Clinic (Seattle): 206.788.3701
- Holly Park Clinic (Seattle): 206.788.3548
- Shoreline Clinic: 206.533.2687
Find out if you are eligible
To qualify for WIC, you must live in Washington state, meet the income guidelines and be considered “nutritionally at-risk” by a health professional. Find more information on the WIC program in Washington state, including income guidelines.
Maternity support services
ICHS offers First Steps for pregnant women, new mothers and young children to make sure mother and baby are healthy through pregnancy, childbirth and the first year of life. First Steps helps income-qualified pregnant women or new mothers connect to health care that includes nutrition-based services. First Steps is available to qualified women as soon as they know they are pregnant.
ICHS also offers nutrition counseling to patients of all ages at all of our medical and dental clinics.
Where to get WIC services
International District Medical & Dental Clinic
International District Medical & Dental ClinicHolly Park Medical & Dental Clinic
Holly Park Medical & Dental ClinicShoreline Medical & Dental Clinic
Shoreline Medical & Dental ClinicHere for You
Fully access our affordable, quality health care services. All are welcome at ICHS, regardless of insurance or ability to pay.