ICHS helping lead statewide efforts to protect kids against disease

Seattle, Shoreline and Bellevue clinics recognized with 2019 Immunize Washington award
International Community Health Services (ICHS) continues to help lead efforts to protect children against disease and improve vaccination rates in Washington state. ICHS medical clinics in Seattle, Shoreline and Bellevue were recently honored as 2019 Immunize Washington award winners for successfully ensuring toddler and teen patients received their recommended vaccines.
“The current measles outbreak reminds us that protecting young people against future disease requires a community effort,” said Rayburn Lewis, ICHS chief medical officer. “Parents, schools and health care providers must all work together to address vaccine gaps and help provide accountability. ICHS is proud of its success safeguarding the health of the youth in our communities.”
As Gold providers, the ICHS Holly Park, Chinatown-International District and Shoreline medical clinics respectively immunized 99% of toddlers and 84% of teens, 96% of toddlers and 84% of teens, and 92% of toddlers. This is the fifth consecutive year the Holly Park and Chinatown-International District clinics have been awarded Gold status, which is given to providers with a minimum 80% patient immunization rate. The ICHS Bellevue clinic was honored a Bronze provider for its immunization of teens.
The Health Plan Partnership, a cooperative alliance of the Department of Health, Health Care Authority, Governor Jay Inslee and all the major health plans in Washington, has annually hosted the Immunize WA provider recognition program since 2014. The award recognizes clinics reaching immunization rates of 70% or higher in child and adolescent patient populations. With progressive increases each year, this year was the most successful to date. See the full 2019 Immunize Washington awardee list (PDF).