The ICHS Congregate Meal Program at the Bush Asia Center in Seattle's Chinatown-International District provides adults ages 60 and older, and adults with special needs, nutritious meals and engaging group activities.
The program offers people opportunities to socialize, exercise, and nurture their creative talents with each other. Activities include a hot Asian cuisine lunch followed by group activities such as mahjong, karaoke, bingo, tai chi, card games, and origami.
The program is free. A $2.50 donation is suggested, but not required. For more information, please contact Paulo Allarde, food services supervisor.
“All are welcome. [You] can try our food and check out the activities we provide. If money is an issue, then [you] do not have to pay and we will be more than happy to accept you to our program.”
— Paulo Allarde, ICHS Food Services & Congregate Meal Program Supervisor
The ICHS Congregate Meal Program is located on the ground floor of the Bush Asia Center, next to Hing Hay Park. Enter via the steps on the park's north side.
Age With Dignity at Home
ICHS PACE is a full-service health care and senior services program that supports your quality of life and empowers your independence.